Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automatic Control and Nuclear Engineering

For more information click on IcEtran

About IcETRAN 2021 Conference

The Society ET(R)AN is the oldest, largest and most prestigious professional organization in Serbia in the domain of electrical engineering and information technologies. The Society inherited the tradition of the Yugoslav Society for ETRAN of organizing the national conferences which started in 1955. Annual meetings, with in average of up to 400 papers, were and are an attraction for researchers from countries of the Western Balkans to meet and share their ideas, know-how and build new communications. In 2014, the Society ETRAN started the annual series of International conference on electrical, electronic, and computing engineering (IcETRAN) running in parallel with the national ETRAN conferences. The conferences are organized with support of the IEEE Society IEEE.

The official language of the IcETRAN conference is English, while the official language for ETRAN conference is Serbian.

The national and international conferences run share invited lectures, round table discussions and special sessions.

The papers submitted for ETRAN and IcETRAN will be reviewed by two anonymous peers. The papers accepted and presented by one of the authors registered for the conferences will be published on the Web as part of the edited proceedings.

The conferences aim to attract young researchers and students; thereby, registration fees and accommodation discounts are planned.

The meetings include social events to allow participants to exchange their individual prospective related to the innovations, but also for socializing that contributes to the development of new research teams.

The conferences are supported by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of Serbia and collective members of the Society for ETRAN

For more information click HERE

  • Final date for proposing special sessions workshops, educative events, and invited speakers for the Conferences March 22, 2021.
  • Program of the special sessions accepted and the list of invited guests finalized. March 31, 2021.
  • Deadline for papers submission (EasyChair) May 31, 2021.
  • Review process finalized reviews sent back to authors (EasyChair) June 30, 2021.
  • Final versions of papers received (EasyChair) July 15, 2021.
  • Information to authors about the acceptance of the revised version of the paper (EasyChair) July 31, 2021.
  • Registration for the conference deadline (EasyChair) August 15, 2021.
  • Opening session of the IcETRAN 2021 and ETRAN 2021 Conferences September 08, 2021.